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DNS on Modern Linux is a Mess

There are at least three ways to perform a DNS query, and they all suck in their unique ways.


The getaddrinfo(3) family of library calls are the POSIX compliant way to perform a DNS query. Note that while they are provided by the system libc (typically glibc), they are not system calls. Meaning they don't have a system call number and thus cannot be performed via assembly inlining, you have to link against the libc.

The issue of getaddrinfo(3) is that it is blocking. This is surprising to some as most languages choose to expose DNS queries as asynchronous operations since it may have to send network requests to a nameserver. Typically, a pool of threads is maintained by the language runtime or library to perform these blocking calls, maintaining these resources is non zero.

Although, getaddrinfo(3) take into effect of your system configs, including but not limited to

  • /etc/hosts
  • /etc/nsswitch.conf
  • /etc/resolv.conf

This is a double edge sword, as an user this gives me freedom, as a software developer it means I lose control over how the resolution is exactly done. And I don't even wanna get into the can of worms of DNSSEC, DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, etc.

Hand Rolling DNS Queries

If getaddrinfo(3) gives power to the users, this way gives maximum power to the software developers. If you don't trust the users config, just hand roll the queries yourself! Of course, most people don't actually form the packets and sent to a nameserver themselves but use another userspace library.

The downside of this is often they ignore system configs entirely (which sometimes is the point of hand rolling), so as an user you can't easily override resolution for some names. Whether the operation is exposed as blocking or non-blocking is technically orthogonal as you can choose, but at least it's possible to do this without blocking.

dbus interface

If you are on a modern Linux system and systemd-resolved is configured, you can use the org.freedesktop.resolve1 interface provided by it. It can perform DNSSEC, mDNS, LLMNR, etc (subject to user config). It is also non-blocking.

The downside is that this a dubs interface, which comes with all the complexity of D-Bus. If you're not knees deep into the Linux ecosystem, you probably don't even know what dbus is. In addition, systemd-resolved is not configured for all distros due to some people hating all things systemd related (despite this has very little to do with systemd as a service manager and in theory can be used without systemctl).

An example of how it can be done is here can be found on freedesktop.

Why are we in this mess?

There are two views to DNS resolution. If you are not a system admin, you most likely view networking as you connecting to the rest of the world so you probably can't stand the idea that two machines resolving the same name to two different addresses. In this view, allowing users to mess with the records is a bad idea and you probably want the latest and greatest.

If you're a system admin, then you mostly think of name resolution as a property local to a LAN, it merely happens that many LANs form ASes, and ASes form the thing people call internet. As you control the machines and the (local) network, you feel you should have certain control over how resolution is done. Thus, you probably dislike DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, mDNS, etc that give end users more control over how resolution is done.

Why do DNS at all?

Of course, for many cloud native architectures, service discovery is often not done via DNS but rather a coordinated database/service such as zookeeper or etcd to prevent inconsistent configurations. I believe they also solve the issue of DNS standards and implementation fossilization by simply not doing DNS at all.

Final Words

I think the nameserver abstraction has been abused too much. When I go on I don't think of accessing the machine of using the https protocol, despite that was what the original design was. I think of as I'm accessing the https hosted on the name, I don't care if it's a single machine, multiple machines, or not a single real persistent machine and it's served by ephemeral FaaS, S3 buckets, etc.

When I see Pual Vixie (who contributed significantly to DNS according to wikipedia) write about What DNS Is Not, I feel they are hopelessly out of touch. Once an invention is public, it's no longer yours. What people do with it, you have no way of controlling.